Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship 2024

Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship 2024

Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship 2024: The Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Scholarship 2024 will help postgraduate students from India that are facing financial challenges when continuing their studies. Candidates must be younger than 35 years of age, have an undergraduate degree of First Class having at least 60% marks as well as be full time Ph.D. students who have a valid GATE and NET result and a valid registration at an Indian university.

The Jawaharlal Nehru scholarship offers a regular allowance in the amount of INR 18,000 per month, and extra one time payment of INR15,000 in expenses relating to the study tour, books and stationary. The application forms should be submit in the direction of Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund in New Delhi by May 31st, 2024.

The process of selection includes the screening of applications. This is and then an interview either in the latter half of November and December. The winners receive an award to last for a period of two years. Application involves filling out and sending in the application request form along with the required documentation and an advance draft of INR 100. The applicants can get more information and submit their application on this official JNMF Scholarship 2024.

Information Table 

Name of the scholarshipJawaharlal Nehru Scholarship 2024
Launched byJNMF
ObjectiveProviding scholarships
BeneficiaryStudents pursuing post-graduation degrees
Official sitehttps://www.jnmf.in

Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must meet the eligibility criteria listed below in order to be eligible for the scholarship.

The applicant must have the First Class post-graduate degree that has a minimum cumulative score of 60% both at the postgraduate and graduate levels.

Candidates are not require to be over 35 years old.

The applicant is require to be a full-time Ph.D. scholar.

The applicant must possess at least a GATE and NET score.

The student must be enrol to receive the Ph.D. degree with a accredit university local in India.

Rewards Details:

Rewarding the applicants in the program include These are:

Maintenance Allowance (Including tuition fees) INR 18,000 for each month.

Other costs for studying tours in India as well as buying stationary, books, etc INR 15,000.

Documents Required

The applicant should have the following documents in order to apply for the scholarship scheme These documents are require:

  • A passport size photo
  • A synopsis of about 1500 words. 1.5 spaced text
  • The report of the University Doctoral Monitoring Committee or Ph.D. The supervisor report.
  • Certified copies of all academic certificate.
  • Ph.D. registration certificate.
  • Selection Process for this Scholarship
  • All form submissions is carry out.
  • Candidates who are select will be invite to an Interview.
  • The interview is schedule at the end month of November or the beginning of the month of December.
  • The select applicants will then be reward by the award of a prize of the scholarship.
Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship 2024
Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship 2024

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions have to be adder by participants in this scheme:

  • The scholarships are available for two years.
  • Unsigned and incomplete forms can be discarder.
  • The selection committee decision to invite a candidate to an interview or choose one of the candidates to receive the award will absolute and no request on this subject will be consider.
  • The Fund will not be accountable for delays in the delivery of postal mail that delay the submission of applications by the deadline.

Application Process

In order to apply for the award, we must comply with the procedure for application The following procedure is required:

  • Go to this Scholarship 2024 website https://www.jnmf.in
  • The home page of the site will be displayed on display.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund this Scholarship Official Website
  • Follow the link below to download an Official Application Form to apply to apply for the award.
  • Details about the award are included in this pdf.
  • You must take the time to read the entire document.
  • This Scholarship Application Form
  • Then, you must download the application template.
  • All of the supporting documents must be included on the application form.
  • The applicants must send their application forms along with the necessary documents as well as a demand drawer or post-order.

The demand draft or postal order must be drawn out in favor of this Scholarship 2024 with a value of INR 100.

The forms for application along with the payment amount should be delivered to the Administrative Secretary this Scholarship 2024, Teen Murti House, and New Delhi 110011 and are due to the Fund office before 30 May 2021.

Contact Details

Contact Number: +91-11-23013641, +91-11-23017173, +91-11-23018087

Fax: +91-11-23011102

Address: Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, Teen Murti House, New Delhi-110011, India

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